Pro BBQ Tips for Using Charcoal

Charcoal grills exist in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles, but they all function by cooking food with burning charcoal or briquettes. Grills come with a charcoal tank in the base and a grate above for whatever you’re cooking.

They could be lidded or open, ceramic or metal, but they all have a charcoal reservoir in the base and a grate above for whatever you’re cooking. Isn’t it straightforward? But there’s a lot more to grilling than meets the eye.

Igniting using lighter fluid is not recommended

This is the simplest change a cook can make. Get rid of the lighter fluid! The lighter fluid has a distinct flavour. You risk sullying the taste of your food if you don’t thoroughly burn off most of the fluid you put on your coals. Using a charcoal chimney is the best solution. They may be found at most culinary equipment stores as well as most online sellers. It operates by pouring unlit coals down the chimney and lighting them from below.

To get a great smoky flavour, mix hardwood with lump charcoal

Lump charcoal can be lighted fast and reliably, and if it’s dry, it can achieve high temperatures with little ash. Despite the fact that charcoal is made of wood, it produces far less smoke than natural hardwoods. To provide a more genuine, wood-fired flavour, chips or lumps of hardwood are frequently added to the burning embers. Lump charcoal is nearly always preferred by grilling aficionados over the less expensive briquettes. Go online to look for the best BBQ charcoal.

For high-temperature applications, open the dampers.

Airflow regulates the heat of your charcoal barbecue during cooking. The oxygen required to keep the fire burning is provided via air intake through dampers near the flames. Air is drawn through the grill by the air outflow through the top dampers. The temperature rises when the dampers are open. I use 100 percent natural briquettes to sustain these high temperatures for an extended period of time.

Large meats should be cooked in an indirect manner

The indirect approach is the finest way to execute a long low cook on a regular grill. Place your hot charcoal chimney on one side of your grill. This will result in two zones: one that is extremely hot on one side and a milder zone on the other.

Place the steak on the side farthest from the fire. You’ll be capable of cooking at a lower temperature for a longer amount of time if the heat isn’t directed directly at the meat. Indirect heat will allow you to cook huge meats “low and slow,” which will help tenderize them.

For grill clean-up, use intense temperature and an onion

Open all of the vents on your charcoal barbecue after you’ve completed grilling to raise the temperature. The surfaces and grates will be quite hot after five minutes, making cleaning them with a wire brush a breeze. Is there no grill brush? How about a slice of onion?

On the grill, split an onion in half and set the cut side down. Scrape the onion down and up the grill grates with a fork – the natural oils from the vegetables will help to clean and flavour the grill.




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